2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation- Episode 15

Special Announcement – Changing Up the Schedule

This podcast, like almost everything else for us, is an experiential learning process. We are learning by doing. One thing we have learned so far is that releasing a podcast episode every other week is a better fit for our schedules.

As adult children raising our own children and running a business, we practice two things that are relevant to this decision. One is to constantly be evaluating our priorities. While we are loving getting the podcast going, it is not our first priority when put into perspective with our families and our business. We never want the creation of the Surviving the Sandwich Generation Podcast to make us feel like we are surviving less! The second thing we practice is mitigating expectations. We want to be consistent and also have solid boundaries. As a result, we will be releasing this podcast every other week starting next week. See you then!!

“Living is the art of getting used to what we didn’t expect.”

Eleanor C. Wood

We want to address your questions. Let us know what you’d like addressed in upcoming podcasts.

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