2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation- Episode 41

Letting Go of Independence

Does being independent mean that you can do everything for yourself?

By the traditional standards, independence equals self-sufficiency. Many of our clients are stubbornly committed to not accepting help. Accepting help means they are failing at taking care of themselves.

We perceive independence as having agency over our lives and choices, control over how we want to live, but we don’t believe for a minute that we should do it all on our own. We are embracing a shift in perspective. Not that many people are truly independent in this day and age. There are those who choose to live off the grid and rely on their own resources for food and shelter, but the rest of us are interdependent in some way.

We can help our loved ones to see how utilizing the resources available, embracing technology and learning to outsource, actually allows them to live more independently.

Three key takeaways from this episode:

  1. IDelegating and outsourcing allows us to better choose how we use our time.
  2. Why struggle? Using your resources to make life easier is being independent.
  3. Interdependence allows for greater independence.

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