2Sisters Speak: Surviving the Sandwich Generation – Episode 45

How to Make Death Harder

Grieving the loss of a loved one feels heavy and overwhelming in the best of circumstances. Many people have not considered beyond grieving how much work needs to be done by others after they pass away.

It’s more than just not being willing to discuss death. Some people will never agree to proactive planning about their death and what comes afterwards. Of those that do, the catalyst is often when they realize how much worse their death will be on those who love them.

It has nothing to do with age, we should strive to do what we can to make things easier for our loved ones in the event of our passing.

Three key takeaways from this episode:

  1. Life is fleeting and fragile, but we can make our death easier on our loved ones by providing them with all the information they may need to tie up our loose ends.
  2. There are many resources you can utilize for help with all of the logistical matters. These include planning workbooks, apps, etc.
  3. Grieving is harder when there is no direction from our loved one after they pass. Ask your loved one to participate with you in creating a plan so you can focus on mourning when that time comes, and not on things like probate and estate liquidation.

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